多倫多的溼度破紀錄了, 今年是降雨量最多的一年, 不僅如此, 還贏了一向以多雨著名的溫哥華五倍, 今天看到以下的新聞, 我終於恍然大悟. 雖然來自台灣的我對這樣頻繁的下雨早已經見怪不怪了(台灣的颱風才是有夠瞧的呢, 不過這也沒什麼好得意的啦), 可是在看到報導前也不免會疑惑, 大家不是都說這裡很少下雨只會下雪的嗎?

Record summer rainfall soaks city

TORONTO (CBC) - It won't come as a surprise for Toronto residents to hear that Environment Canada has officially declared the summer of 2008 to be the soggiest ever for the city.

As of midnight Saturday, 354.2 millimetres of rain had fallen at Pearson airport since June 1, smashing the record set in 1986 - and there's nearly three weeks left to add to the total.

During the summer of 1986, 335.9 millimetres fell from June 1 to Aug. 31.The only city in Canada to get more rain this year has been Quebec City, which is celebrating its 400th anniversary.

Even famously wet Vancouver has had to take a back seat to the Ontario capital. Toronto has had five times as much rain as the B.C. city.

More rain is forecast for Toronto this week

, 這個夏天常常打雷下大雨, 我還以為多倫多也流行午後雷陣雨咧!

, 就已經親身經歷這裡的氣候破了兩項紀錄, 才剛過去的這個冬天, 也破了歷年來降雪量的紀錄, 十足給我這個多倫多的菜鳥一個下馬威, 因為之前我還不怎麼把這裡的冬天放在眼裡, 畢竟我可也是在Colorado待過的耶, 有一等一的滑雪聖地Aspen的科州喔, 可是事後只證明了我是個井底之蛙, 我還記得今年三月去看10,000 B.C.(史前一萬年), 出了戲院才知道, 戲院裡外原來都是在演同一個戲碼, 我們的車在這兩個小時之內就身陷雪堆, 動彈不得, 後來還是兩三個好心人士相助我們才得以狼狽的離開.

, 第一個冬天, 第一個夏天都破了新紀錄, 接下來還有什麼呢?


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